the sanity in your solutions

The SANE Advantage

The SANE Advantage

Securing network from point-to-point and in the extended enterprise is crucial to meeting data protection security & compliance requirements.


The most secure way to manage data across networks is to encrypt it at all times.


Unfortunately, many organizations still have gaps in their networks that can enable malicious insiders and external bad actors to compromise your data-in-transit.


Enterprises that are serious about security know that a secure is a central component of their zero trust approach to data protection. Attackers are looking for the easiest way to steal as much data from you as they can, as fast as they can.


SaneOS provides a solution for data-in-transit communications involving both interactive and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) identities.

M2M Communications

The dramatic increase of M2M communications means than more data is flowing across your networks than every before.


For most enterprises, M2M communications carry high volumes of highly sensitive business and customer information such as credit card data and personally identifiable information.


With such valuable payloads, M2M Communications require ubiquitous encryption.

Remote Systems

The tool of choice for most interactive users, SaneOS provides the trusted workhorse for most network administrators.


With the explosion in number of remote workers and rapid growth in extended enterprise users, Solutions implemented by SaneOS provides a secure and easy way to transfer files, access test systems and as a VPN for privileged administrators.

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